Tommaso Padoan

I am an assistant professor (RTDa) at the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences of the University of Trieste.
I graduated in Computer Science at the University of Padova in 2016, where I also conducted my PhD studies in the BMCS doctoral program until 2019. I then worked for 3 years as postdoc for the PRIN project ASPRA.

My first research area is formal methods for the analysis and the verification of software, in particular automata and game-theoretic approaches, abstraction and approximation techniques, specification languages and models, especially for concurrent and distributed systems.
Since recently, I also study machine learning, with a focus on reinforcement and deep learning, and I am particularly interested in meta learning and formal aspects of machine learning.

I am a board games enthusiast, I love playing them but I am also interested in their design. I write and run Dungeons & Dragons adventures. I also like video games and music.


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