
The Artificial Intelligence lab is part of the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences of the University of Trieste. The lab, led by prof. Luca Bortolussi, is formed by phd students, post docs and researchers working in the areas of machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence. The main research directions pursued in the lab are in the areas of neuro-symbolic and explainable AI applied to tabular data and time-series, integration of machine learning (deep learning, Bayesian methods, reinforcement learning) with computer simulation and formal methods (i.e.. simulation intelligence), robust machine learning (adversary defences, bayesian approaches), applications of machine learning and explainable ai to sustainability, health and industry. The lab also has several industry collaborations, solving practical problems and validating theoretical approaches on real world scenarios. Currently, the lab is involved in few national, EU-funded, and privately sponsored research projects.

Are you interested in what we do? If you would like to collaborate with us, or you are looking for a research internship, a master thesis, or a phd position, please contact us at lbortolussi@units.it.

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